mod post, round 8, rules

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  • Coming SOON...

    pokeystar wrote in dramione_ldws Apr 13, 2011 09:35

    Read more... )

    pimpage, mod post

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  • Announcement

    pokeystar wrote in dramione_ldws Mar 25, 2011 10:14

    This May marks the tenth anniversary of the good ship Dramione ( Read more... )

    mod post, round 8

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  • Dramione_ldws Announcement Post

    pokeystar wrote in dramione_ldws Aug 17, 2010 08:34

    We mods are excited to announce that dramione_awards is set to launch Round Seven nominations, beginning September 1st.

    Why are we excited? Round Seven will feature fics UNDER 1000 WORDS. Our bread and butter, babydolls! Our raison d'etre! There are no time limits on this round, which means that everything listed in our archive is eligible ( Read more... )

    mod post

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  • technical difficulties

    pokeystar wrote in dramione_ldws Jun 03, 2010 08:01

    Hey everyone,

    Finale voting post will be posted at 3 pm EST.

    sorry for the delay.

    mod post, round 7

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  • Mod Announcement

    pokeystar wrote in dramione_ldws May 29, 2010 10:40

    When somandalicious and I planned this round, we gave a lot of thought to the point scale. It bothered both of us that so many points were given to the winner and mod choice slots. To balance that out a bit, we added the winner runner up slot, and points awarded for MF votes. In challenges past, where there were at least 5 drabbles to choose from, MF votes were ( Read more... )

    mod post, round 7

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